Monday, July 5, 2010

Los Vegas National Park

We  know Las Vegas isn't a National Park, but we need some rest and it was sort of on the way to the next National Park

Probably the hardest part of today was getting out of the KOA at Yosemite.  We got up early so we could be in Las Vegas before 5pm, but a couple of dead-ins and wrong turns put us leaving just after 8am.  Esther was a pretty good director in getting me backed out of the ,mistaken turns I took.  The drive was pretty uneventful until we got to the desert where we watched the thermometer rise from 92F to 110F.  Luckily I heeded the sign that instructed us to turn off the air conditioner in order to keep your car from overheating.  We saw a lot of cars beside the road that must not have heeded the sign.  Esther did the major part of driving today as when I started out I found the haze difficult for me to see through.  I did take over close to vegas and drove thru Death Valley and into Vegas proper.  Traffic was a little dicey coming down the strip to get into the KOA, but we made it in to our site by 6:00pm.  The KOA is basically a parking lot with water, electric, and sewer connections.  No tables, No grass.  We are parked right behind Circus Circus.  We walked thru the Casino before heading to the strip.  We ate mexican at a food court in the Riveria.  Afterwards I watched Esther give the Riveria $40 and Esther watched me give them $20.  After making our obligatory contribution we made our way back to the campground.

Happy 4th of July.  Since we didn't want to get out in the Las Vegas traffic, we watched a church service on TV.  We then fixed a late breakfast in the trailer and then walked the strip down to Treasure Island.  There Esther watched me lose another $10.  Esther played a long time, but ultimately made another $40 contribution.  We came back to the trailer and napped.  It was very hot and by the time we got back to the trailer we were both hot and tired.  After a long nap, we fixed a traditional 4th of July picnic - polish sausage dogs, macaroni salad, cantaloupe, and all the trimmings.  We were disappointed to learn there were no planned firework events, so we watched "A Capital 4th on PBS and the Boston Pops on CBS.  All in all, a relaxing and pleasurable 4th.  Esther and I had earlier bought matching blue shorts with an American Flag and red Tshirts with an American Flag on it.  We got several comments about how patriotic we looked.  AS Esther would say, "We looked cute".

We got up early because we decided we would take advantage of a $25 all-day buffet, and knowing us you know we wouldn't miss breakfast if we had already paid for it.  However breakfast tasted like it had been on a buffet.  Imagine that.  Eggs were cold.  But the sausage and bacon were good.  Gravy was cold but tasty, and the sweet rolls and croissants were wonderful.  We decided to hit the casino before the smokers arrived.   I lost $10 right away and Esther won a little.  We then went to the gift shops for souvenirs.  I opted out, but we found a towel and a souvenirs glass for Esther.  Since I was carrying the camera we went to the strip for pictures.  It was then back to the buffet for lunch which was pretty good.  BBQ chicken, fried shrimp, fried chicken and of course a round of desserts.  We then went back to the Casino where Esther won enough to offset some of her losses on Saturday and Sunday.  I decided it was more prudent and fun to watch Esther win than Larry lose, so I napped and watched Esther win.  At four we decided it was pie and coffee time.  You have to get your money's worth on deals like this.  But they didn't open till after 4:30pm so dinner needed to be delayed.  We went back to the camper for a short rest before returning for dinner at 8:00pm.  Dinner was good also.  I had standing round of beef while Esther worked on shrimp.  Of course there was another round of desserts.  We left stuffed, but sure we had gotten our money's worth.  We then took the camera back to the strip where we took pictures of the strip and Circus Circus lights

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