Thursday, July 8, 2010

Capitol Reef National Park

We ate a quick lunch in the camper and then headed for Capitol Reef National Park.  We got within about 12 miles of the park and found a nice RV Park.  We got setup and decided we had enough time to drive into the Park.  However, the sun started to set quickly.  We did get pictures of Chimney Rock and The Castle.  We started on the scenic route but had to turn around because it was just getting to dark.  At the beginning of the scenic drive is a nature preserve where we saw three deer, but it was to dark for pictures to turn out good.

On the way back we started looking for a place to eat but found every place we had seen on the way closed.  We finally found a place which was still open, but we had to eat outside as they had already cleaned up their dining room.  They brought us menus and we both decided we weren't hungry enough to pay $20+ per person, so we left.  I scrambled the last three eggs while Esther nuked the bacon and fixed toast.  It was just about the last food we had in the camper, but it was good.

We left the campground early so we could get to see Coral Reef and then get on our way to Arches National Park near Moab, UT.  We took the scenic route again, and saw more deer in the nature preserve.

 Chimney Rock
The Castle

  We stopped at a Morman's homestead and bought a peach pie.  The scenic route was beautiful but the pictures we took just did not do justice to the many shades of colors that you could see in the rock formations.  On the way back I stopped to take some pictures of the barn on the Morman's homestead. 

 Barn at Morman Homestead

 In the Nature Preserve

 One Room School House

We then went back to the campsite, hooked up the trailer and were on our way to Moab, UT.  The GPS guided us to exit 180 on I-70 which leads to UT-191.  This is the road you take into Moab.  However, at the end of the ramp, it directed us back on I-70 heading west back to Green River.  Knowing this had to be wrong, we pulled into a filling station.  There we confirmed that most GPS's mess up at this exit.  Supposedly it is because they renumbered the interstate, but this doesn't make a lot of since to me.  We headed south on 191 and found the KOA.  We checked in, went in to town as our cupboards were bare.  After hitting the City Market, we headed for Old Geezer's Meat Market where we bought an expensive rib eye and strip.  We were assured at the KOA that though the meat was more expensive, it was worth it.  Since we had snacked for lunch, we were both hungry and started the grill as soon as we got back.  We split the Rib eye which I cooked to perfection (Thank you very much).  Esther contributed a baked potato and a very good crisp green salad.  It was the best meal each of us had had in a long time.  We then did a couple of loads of laundry which we hope will be the last we have to do on the road.  Needless to say, we were both dead tired from our active and full day.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo of the barn at Mormon Homestead. Beautiful!

