Sunday, June 20, 2010

Missoula, MT

Left the Grand Teton Park RV about 8:35.

Drove through Grand Teton National Park en route to Missoula, Mt.  Sky was clear and blue.  Not a cloud in the skies.  The snow-covered Grand Teton's against the deep blue sky was breath-taking.  We stopped to shoot pictures on the way from the campground to the entrance of the Grand Teton's, and then again over Jackson Lake, and then again beside the road to Yellowstone.  We then drove from the south entrance of Yellowstone to the West entrance to Yellowstone.  Saw a bunch of cars beside the road looking at what I think was a coyote. We then took highway 191 to 287.  This took us to Montana via a beautiful two lane road which followed Ice Lake and then Earthquake Lake.  Both of the Lakes had a backdrop of snow covered mountains and green prairies.

Earthquake Lake

  Beautiful ranches sparely populated with mostly Angus cattle.  We crossed many cold trout streams and saw fisherman fly fishing in the streams.  Once Us287 got us to I90, we had an easy drive to Missoula KOA arriving around 6:30pm.  Once settled in, Esther was able to reach Randy and we made arrangements to meet him in the Barnes &; Noble Parking lot where he was selling the last three chihuahua's of a litter of seven.  We then went to eat a supreme thin crust pizza at Pizza Hut.  One of the best pizza's we have had in a long time.  Came back home to the 5th wheel and crashed for the evening.

Slept in till about 7:30am.  Got up and went to do laundry.  While the clothes were washing we ate the breakfast buffet at the KOA.  The cost was $7.95 per person and was the worst breakfast we have ever had.  The scrambled eggs were cold and rubbery.  We then went to move the clothes to the dryers.  Everything worked fine until we got to the last washer which was full of jeans.  The washer did not spin out the final rinse.  Esther tried wringing them out by hand, but we decided that there was too much soap and water left so we re-washed them.  The second washer also refused to spin out the final rinse.  We wrung them out the best we could and put them in the dryer.  It took two cycles  $$ to get them dry but we finally got the laundry done.  We then went to find Randy and found him in the parking lot near the road which went by the shopping center.  He had sold one dog and still had two to go. He had several interested parties come by while we were there, but no takers.  He left with us at 2pm and came to the trailer where we had a nice visit

.  He then took us to the Carousel Park and a tour of the downtown area.  We then went to eat at The Silk Road , a restaurant specializing in international cuisine served European style.  That is small portions were brought to the table of each dish ordered and shared.  Randy ordered for us and we had a Japanese Beef dish, sockeye salmon, a fantastic crab dish, sautéed mushrooms, and a chocolate calzone.  We went there as he works there six days a week.  In fact we even got a $10 employee discount which made the meal cost just over $10 per person.

After the meal we went back to the 5th wheel and we had another nice visit.  He stayed until about 10pm and left because he needed to be at work by 8:30 Sunday morning.  We crashed shortly after he left.

We got up and got ready for church and went to breakfast after checking on the time church started at First United Methodist church (10:30am).  We then went to Paul's Pancake Parlor  for breakfast based on Randy's recommendation.  They had Eggs Benedict on special this morning so we both ordered that.  We should have split the breakfast as it was at least twice the amount of food we needed.  I was a little disappointed in the dish as they had added cheese to the Hollandaise sauce.  But the eggs were cooked perfectly, so i enjoyed it anyway.  We then had about an hour before we needed to be at the church so we went to Walmart to pick up soap, toothpaste, etc.  We then could not find the First United Methodist Church in the GPS so decided to go to Grace United Methodist church.  When we arrived at 10;20am we discovered there service began at 10:00am.  So we had a short but enjoyable church service led by a lady minister who gave a very good sermon.  So far we have worshiped with lady ministers two weeks in a row.  Just before going into church, Esther reminded me to put my phone on vibrate.  I had already had calls from Shawn and JJ and did not expect to hear from Jeanie until later in the day, but I attempted to put the phone on vibrate anyway.  However in the middle of the service my phone started ringing.  I finally got it silenced after the whole church had turned to stare at me.  You must remember that Grace is a small neighborhood congregation and everyone knows everyone.  It was pretty obvious we were outsiders who were both late and noisy.

We were about the first ones out the door after the service.  The minister was most gracious to her noisy visitors.  We then went back to Walmart to pickup a steak and corn for dinner tonight.  We then went back to The Silk Road so Esther could get a picture of the restaurant.  When we got back to the 5th wheel we found Randy sitting at the picnic table by our site, reading a book.  We had another nice visit with him in between the jobs he needed to work today.  During the visit it rained hard and we had about 15 minutes of pea sized hail.  My neighbor came in the middle of the hail and rain to tell me I had left the driver's window of my truck down.  A quick trip to the truck in the hail left me with a few bruises on the head.  Randy left at 5:00pm and we went to fill up the truck with diesel.  We then came back, filled the fresh water tank, hooked up the truck, put away the water hoses, and caught up on our financial s and journal entries. "We intended to go to the hot tub as soon we got our chores done, but we would have had to sit in the hot tub in a light rain and decided to forgo until another time.  Tomorrow morning we will empty the gray water tanks, put away the electric cord and be on our way to Glacier National Park.

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